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"Vascular surgery adventure"

About: Fiona Stanley Hospital / Vascular Surgery

(as the patient),

I was admitted recently and it was the best day out I have had in months haha. I seriously hate hospitals plus I hate leaving my home but I put on my big girl pants and headed out at 5.15 am for my overnight stay at Fiona Stanley but I was pre determined to only stay the day this I made clear to anyone who even glanced my way. The procedure went well but alas the surgeon stated in writing I was to stay overnight so I did a DAMA and was home safe and sound by 6pm.

Through the whole process the staff from the lovely volunteer Paul, theatre staff holding my hand, I even rubbed the poor nurses hand back haha, seriously all the nurses I dealt with were caring and tolerated my sense of humour a special mention to a nurse who went above and beyond making my escape speedy and adventurous thank you all so much. Sorry and of course my surgical team were fantastic thanks to you I am relatively pain free for the first time in months. 

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Response from Neil Doverty, Executive Director Fiona Stanley and Fremantle Hospitals Group, South Metropolitan Health Service 2 years ago
Neil Doverty
Executive Director Fiona Stanley and Fremantle Hospitals Group,
South Metropolitan Health Service
Submitted on 3/02/2023 at 7:25 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 6/02/2023 at 9:59 AM

picture of Neil Doverty

Dear ospreyee53,

Thank you for your light-hearted post about your recent surgery. I must admit it did make me laugh out loud, but you have also put me in a difficult situation! You see, we must respect our Surgeon’s medical recommendations, and although we also respect our patient’s wishes when possible, there would have been reasons your surgeon wanted to keep you in overnight. A Discharge Against Medical Advice (DAMA) is actually a bit of a black mark on our hospital’s performance against our safety and quality indicators. So although I am not going to actively find out who the nurse is, I am not going to congratulate them for aiding and abetting your escape!

Having said all of that, I am very glad to read that you are now at home, and hopefully recovering well. I will share your gratitude with the treating team, with my added personal thanks.

I wish you all the very best for your future. Thank you again for your post, and for your sense of humour!

Warm regards,

Neil Doverty.

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