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"Pats service."

About: Patient Assisted Travel Scheme - WACHS Goldfields

(as a staff member posting for a patient/service user),

I recently had to attend an appointment in Perth. After presenting my paperwork to Pats, I received my travel vouchers the next day. Meg was a real blessing to have helped with my inquiry and subsequent voucher.

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Response from Alicia Michalanney, A/Director, Kalgoorlie Health Campus, WA Country Health Service 2 years ago
Alicia Michalanney
A/Director, Kalgoorlie Health Campus,
WA Country Health Service

Leader of the teams and services at the Kalgoorlie Health Campus

Submitted on 3/09/2022 at 4:30 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 5/09/2022 at 8:51 AM

picture of Alicia Michalanney

Dear Keizh45,

Thanks so much for taking the time to post.

Like many, the PATS team have been working in unprecedented times over the past couple of years. They have had to keep up with constant changes and make sure they always meet the governance, that is follow the strict rules, that bound all of the PATS claims.

I genuinely believe that all of our staff come to work each day wanting to do a good job and help people; I am so glad this was the experience you had with Meg.

I will be sure to pass on your thanks and appreciation to the team. I have no doubt it will make their day!

Kind regards, Alicia

Alicia Michalanney | A/Director Kalgoorlie Health Campus

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