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"Neurosurgery wait time"

About: Fiona Stanley Hospital / Neurosurgery

(as a service user),

I have a seven year history of increasing lower back pain and sciatica as a result of lumbar spine nerve compression diagnosed originally by MRI and more recently confirmed by CT. My GP referred me to FSH Neurosurgery for a consult about eight months ago as my condition had deteriorated. At that time in addition to the pain, I had loss of function in muscles in my leg resulting in loss of lateral control of my foot, inability to raise my toes or lift my heal and loss of normal sensation in my foot. Since then I have some loss of sensation in my other foot and marked muscle wastage in my calf which makes walking extremely difficult on anything but a smooth surface and painful at all times. 

The WA Health Department Central Referral Service referred me to FSH and as I understand it, neurosurgery classified me as a category 2 patient. I found several attempts to find out what was happening were a waste of time as I was passed between various services, inevitably winding up at a phone which was never answered. I finally got some help from the Patient and Family Liaison Officer at FSH. She was kind enough to walk over to Neurosurgery and then phone me back later in the day with the news that it seemed I could expect to wait two years for a consultation with a surgeon. Is this really correct? If so, I feel it is completely unacceptable.

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Response from Neil Doverty, Executive Director Fiona Stanley and Fremantle Hospitals Group, South Metropolitan Health Service 2 years ago
Neil Doverty
Executive Director Fiona Stanley and Fremantle Hospitals Group,
South Metropolitan Health Service
Submitted on 17/06/2022 at 11:10 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 11:19 AM

picture of Neil Doverty

Dear listensr43,

I am so sorry to hear of your spine nerve compression and the significant impact it is having on your ability to walk, and the pain it is causing you.

I completely understand that you would want your condition assessed as soon as possible. Unfortunately we do experience significant demand on our neurosurgery service. Please let me assure you that the neurosurgery team work extremely hard to see all patients referred to them as quickly as they can. I do acknowledge that despite their best efforts, patients like yourself are seen in less than ideal wait times.

If your condition has worsened since your initial referral, your GP can write escalation notes. This may or may not result in a change in your triaged category. Alternatively, some patients choose to be seen in the private sector, which is usually much faster than the free public sector. I understand that this may or may not be an option for you, but if it is an option it may be worth you looking in to.

Another consideration is for your GP to refer you to our Chronic Pain Management Team for assistance with management of your pain whilst awaiting your neurosurgical appointment, if required. Perhaps you may like to discuss this with your GP.

I hope that we see you very soon, and sincerely apologise for the wait you are experiencing.

Take care,

Neil Doverty

Group Executive Director

Fiona Stanley Fremantle Hospitals Group

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