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"All outstanding"

About: Kiewa Valley House

(as a service user),

Since I have come to this area a few years ago, I think the hospitals here are excellent. Ever since I arrived at the hospital, my health has been looked after and I believe the elderly are all of the same opinion we are all looked after. The staff they are caring, knowledgeable and excel in every way for every patient who ever comes, in my opinion.

Only thing I can say about the nurses, all very kind and really excellent, but it seems to me too short staffed, in my opinion. I've never heard them complain, but sometimes you hear things such as they don’t get a break. I think this is very wrong, every person needs a break, even just for a coffee. They give a lot to every patient and I would appreciate it if it could be looked into.

Otherwise I would say thank you to everyone I dealt with, as they are all outstanding. I feel it is outstanding hospital.

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Response from Leanne Kilpatrick, Director of Health Services Mount Beauty, Mount Beauty Hospital, Alpine Health 2 years ago
We are preparing to make a change
Leanne Kilpatrick
Director of Health Services Mount Beauty, Mount Beauty Hospital,
Alpine Health
Submitted on 31/05/2022 at 12:04 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 2/06/2022 at 9:36 AM

Hello hekayz53,

Thank you so much for taking time to provide feedback. We greatly appreciate hearing your feedback on care provided and also how we may improve.

Staffing has certainly been more of a challenge in more recent times due to COVID, in terms of accessing staff to fill shift vacancies. However we are working on strategies to build our numbers of permanent and casual team members, understanding that this will be a slow process.

Staff breaks are really important particularly during these complex times and you are correct staff need to take time out. Staff are known to forgo breaks at times to ensure all the needs of the patient are meet, however we will undertake to promote and foster greater awareness of the importance of taking a break to ensure care of self and the patient.

Thanks again for taking time to provide feedback


Leanne Kilpatrick - Health Services Manager Mount Beauty

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