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"Failure to communicate appointments by medical imaging"

About: Fiona Stanley Hospital / Imaging Services

(as a service user),

On two occasions now I have failed to receive notification of appointments until very late, ie. days before the appointment. I live in Regional WA, about five hours from Perth, and it's necessary to arrange accommodation etc which can’t be done at the ‘drop of a hat’ or what seems to be the whims of FSH.

I was due for a biopsy and received other appointments from related departments, but not from Medical Imaging where the biopsy will be done. I had to ring to find out I had an appointment already scheduled. Why can this not be entered into ‘Mange My Care’ like other departments seem to be able to do.

Based on my experience, can you also please ensure that you give at least 3-4 weeks notice of appointments for country patients so that appropriate arrangements and the least expensive accommodation options can be organised.
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Response from Neil Doverty, Executive Director Fiona Stanley and Fremantle Hospitals Group, South Metropolitan Health Service 2 years ago
Neil Doverty
Executive Director Fiona Stanley and Fremantle Hospitals Group,
South Metropolitan Health Service
Submitted on 30/05/2022 at 11:48 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 11:52 AM

picture of Neil Doverty

Dear runningsz65,

I am sorry that you are not receiving enough notice for your appointment to enable you to arrange accommodation – I do understand that this would be very frustrating for you.

It is absolutely fantastic that you are using Manage My Care to track and manage your clinic appointments – thank you for being proactive. While Manage My Care continues to be adjusted and improved, the future roadmap for Manage My Care will deliver the visibility of outpatient appointments managed in different systems to that used for clinics, including the platforms used to schedule Medical Imaging appointments.

With regards to 3-4 weeks’ notice, over years of delivering healthcare we have learnt that “too much” notice leads to patients forgetting and then not attending their appointments. I do acknowledge the necessity for rural patients to plan ahead, and will see if there is a way rural patients are able to receive greater notification.

I wish you well with all of your upcoming appointments and health care, and thank you for providing us with your honest and valuable feedback.

Warm regards,

Neil Doverty

Group Executive Director

Fiona Stanley Fremantle Hospitals Group

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