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"Vaccination Administration Error"

About: Claremont Showgrounds COVID-19 Vaccination Community Clinic

(as a service user),

I had the unfortunate experience of an error in my vaccination record that was blocking me from getting my booster. My record was showing three doses, with the third dose in August, the same month as my second dose. Of course, I didn't actually receive this dose.

I tried the Vaccinate WA helpline, my GP, the Claremont state clinic where I was actually vaccinated but the only organisation that could fix it was the Australian Immunisation Register - their number is hard to find but is 1800 653 809.

It turns out that a random clinic somewhere in the middle of another state had mistakenly assigned someone else's vaccine on a date in August to me. I haven't been outside WA for more than two years!

I have a new appointment to get boosted soon. Also hope that the person I was mixed up with gets their record corrected as well.

Just wanted to say thank you to James at the Claremont state clinic who put up with me being a bit cranky/teary/frustrated at how difficult it was to get the record corrected (spent a whole morning trying to sort it out). He offered me a fast track appointment in case I needed to come back there. I would like to see the VaccinateWA website updated with clear information about how to correct an administrative error like this and I believe the Australian Immunisation Register should make it easier to contact them and have a specific email form or helpline for actual errors, separate to issues with downloading etc.

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Response from Patricia Cuthbert, Clinical Nurse Manager, Child and Adolescent Community Health, Perth Children’s Hospital 3 years ago
Patricia Cuthbert
Clinical Nurse Manager, Child and Adolescent Community Health,
Perth Children’s Hospital
Submitted on 28/01/2022 at 2:09 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 2:23 PM

Dear Keito234,

Thank you for contacting the COVID Vaccination team and informing us of the error in your vaccination records.

I acknowledge how frustrating this is, especially with the mandate of the COVID 19 vaccines and needing to provide evidence of vaccines for work purposes.

When a vaccine record has been uploaded from a provider to the Australian Immunisation Register, unfortunately, when an error occurs, it is only that service that can correct vaccine records.

I am so pleased to hear that James at Claremont did his best to help you get the records corrected and offer to fast track your appointment.

I will certainly pass on your feedback to VaccinateWA regarding your suggestion about updating their website with the correct information and guidance on how to correct a vaccine error. Also, adding the telephone contact of The Australian Immunisation Register.

I would like to thank you for continuing your COVID -19 vaccination course and keeping WA safe.

Kind regards,

Patricia Cuthbert
Clinical Nurse Manager
Child and Adolescent Community Health
Perth Children’s Hospital

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