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"Entertainment for kids who have transitioned to adults"

About: Bunbury Hospital / Medical Ward

(as a carer),

I feel it would be great to have access to a TV and Xbox on a stand or in a TV unit like they have in kids ward.

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Response from Nicky Duncan, Nurse Unit Manager, Medical Ward, Bunbury Hospital 3 years ago
Nicky Duncan
Nurse Unit Manager, Medical Ward,
Bunbury Hospital
Submitted on 17/12/2021 at 3:44 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 3:44 PM

Dear aquilakj34,

Thank you for your suggestion it is something we can definitely investigate whether it would be beneficial on the medical ward.

We do find that most of our young adults bring in their laptops and phones so it is not something that has ever been highlighted before but that is not saying we cannot look into it.

I do thank you for taking the time to make this suggestion and we can certainly review your idea.

Kind Regards

Nicky Duncan A-CNM Medical Ward

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Update posted by aquilakj34 (a carer)

Thank you so much Nicky.

My child does have their own console but doesn't own a laptop.
It's hard to hook up a console safely to a tv that is mounted so high.

One good reason to have a unit on wheels is it's a great opportunity to get the patient off the bed.

My child doesn't usually get to go on day leave until their condition is stable. (hemoptysis)

Merry Christmas.



Response from Nicky Duncan, Nurse Unit Manager, Medical Ward, Bunbury Hospital 3 years ago
We are preparing to make a change
Nicky Duncan
Nurse Unit Manager, Medical Ward,
Bunbury Hospital
Submitted on 21/12/2021 at 6:31 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 4/01/2022 at 12:53 PM

Hi again aquilakj34,

I just wanted to update you on your request for an Xbox or similar. We have obtained both a PlayStation and an Xbox and are just having the IT department check that everything is working correctly before we put them to use on the ward.

They are both on a stand as you suggested so we will be able to encourage those patients to sit out of bed.

Once again thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Have a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Kind Regards

Nicky Duncan

A-NUM Medical Ward

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