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"Cancer Centre"

About: Fiona Stanley Hospital / Chemotherapy Unit, Cancer Centre, Cancer Outpatients Clinic, Bone Marrow Transplant, Oncology, Radiation Oncology & Ward 7C

(as the patient),

I’m overall impressed with Fiona Stanley care particularly in the cancer centre. I‘ve been scheduled for chemotherapy once a week and radiation daily for 6 weeks. So far it has gone well…….until just recently.

My appointment for chemotherapy was at a particular time in the afternoon and nearly 2 hours later, I was sitting there with a cannula in my arm, still waiting for therapy!  Why, because I had to have a blood test and wait for the results.

I don’t object to the blood test, what I object to is receiving conflicting information from nurses. Last week I was given a form and told to get a blood test at the hospital late in the week, which I did on a particular day - one that I checked with the nurse who confirmed that would be ok. 4 days later, I arrived to be told those blood tests are too old and new bloods need to be done!

(Grrr!). Please, I think you need to get your stories straight. I wasted my time last week getting the blood tests and wasted another two hours (not even sure at this stage if I’ll get my treatment). In my opinion, that is an abuse of a patient’s time.

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Neil Doverty, Executive Director Fiona Stanley and Fremantle Hospitals Group, South Metropolitan Health Service 3 years ago
Neil Doverty
Executive Director Fiona Stanley and Fremantle Hospitals Group,
South Metropolitan Health Service
Submitted on 9/09/2021 at 12:26 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 1:30 PM

picture of Neil Doverty

Dear runningsz65,

Thank you for reaching out to us. I was happy to read that you have been impressed overall with the care you have received here, but was very disappointed to read of your recent experience.

Please accept my apologies for the waste of your time. Our patients are very important to us, including their time, and to be given the run around as you have described does not align with the standard of care I expect.

I have shared your story with the Cancer Centre Nurse Unit Manager (NUM). If you are willing, next time you attend can you please ask to speak to the NUM and let her know about your story – I would like her to properly review your case and treatment plan, investigate the messaging you received and use your story as a learning opportunity to ensure other patients do not experience what you experienced.

I wish you all the very best with your future treatment.


Neil Doverty

Group Executive Director

Fiona Stanley Fremantle Hospitals Group.

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