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About: Community Vaccination Clinic Bunbury

(as a service user),

Thanks to the staff at the Bunbury COVID Vax clinic. In my experience, the service was well organised, efficient and professional. The steps from booking in, to a small wait before the injection, the injection, booking in for the second injection and post-injection observation time all went really smoothly. Thanks to all involved, I think you are doing a great job.

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Response from Sharlene Abbott, Service Co-Director Bunbury Hospital, Bunbury Hospital, WACHS-SW 3 years ago
Sharlene Abbott
Service Co-Director Bunbury Hospital, Bunbury Hospital,
Submitted on 23/08/2021 at 3:59 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 4:05 PM

picture of Sharlene Abbott

Dear silverwarecy97,

Thank you for taking the time to provide us with feedback on your experience at the Bunbury COVID vaccination clinic. The team are working hard to get as many people vaccinated in the community as possible and it is wonderful that so many are happy to RollUp for WA!

I will be sure to let the team know about your positive experience. Best wishes for your next dose.

Thanks again,

Sharlene Abbott

Director Population Health

Regional COVID vaccination lead

WACHS- Southwest

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