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"No patient education provided"

About: Perth Children's Hospital / Cardiology - Outpatient Clinic G

(as a service user),

Went to PCH with my late preterm baby to see a Cardiologist, both baby and myself were inpatients at another hospital and were nurse escorted over. 

Firstly, I was left to sit for approximately 6 hours without pain relief or the opportunity to pump. I was in tears due to pain and with concern over my breastmilk supply. 

We had been told by the team at the other hospital to limit contact with the general public due to germ risk and a preterm baby yet were left sitting in the common area of PCH all day - which seemed ironic to me. 

During the appointment, we were provided with a stethoscope and told to listen to our baby's heartbeat but did not receive information on when / how / why to do this.

Weeks later with the assistance of our Child Health Nurse I spoke with the PCH Cardiology team - and found out we were in fact meant to be listening to our baby's heartbeat at every nappy change! We were not informed of this or shown how to do this when we went to our original appointment.

Extremely distressing for both my partner and myself that we had not been doing the "right" thing, and we remain upset by the non-existent education. Very disappointing I felt.

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Response from Debbie Chiffings, Nursing Co-Director Medicine, Child and Adolescent Health Service - WA 3 years ago
Debbie Chiffings
Nursing Co-Director Medicine,
Child and Adolescent Health Service - WA
Submitted on 26/08/2021 at 12:15 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 12:36 PM

Dear Patient91,

Thank you for sharing your feedback about your experience at Perth Children’s Hospital (PCH).

On behalf of the PCH staff caring for your child at such a vulnerable time, I am deeply sorry our service did not meet your expectations.

We have passed this on to the Cardiology team who are extremely sorry to hear that a mother and infant may have been left waiting for 6 hours for review, and that you as a family feel you didn’t receive appropriate education regarding your baby’s care.

All of the cardiology nursing staff regularly provide education to parents regarding monitoring heart rates and arrhythmia management at home, which includes practical and written education. It is not usual practice to supply a stethoscope without education on how and when to use it. We are very sorry to hear that this education may not have been provided in this instance. Safe management of all our cardiology patients is of paramount concern to us, and our nursing team take the responsibility for educating families very seriously.

I would be grateful if you would take the time to contact our Consumer Engagement Team on 6456 0032 from Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm or email, so that we can have a one-on-one confidential conversation to discuss your and your child’s experiences. Whilst I regret what has occurred, I am very keen to understand your perspective to ensure voices like yours are both heard and reflected in our service delivery.

Kind Regards,

Debbie Chiffings

Nursing Co-Director – Medicine Division

Perth Children's Hospital | Child and Adolescent Health Service

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