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"Care for mental health in ED"

About: Maroondah Hospital / Emergency Department Maroondah Hospital / Mental Health Adult Inpatient Units (IPU1 and IPU2) Maroondah Hospital / Mental Health Triage

(as a service user),

Went to ED because of my mental health. Was seems straight away. Given Valium. Waited a long time to be seen. Requested to leave as I was just wanting to go home to bed. This request was refused. I asked about 18 times to leave and made it clear that I was going to adhere to my already existing safety plan. When I asked them if there was a compulsory treatment order 18 times, I was never given a yes or no. I kept asking to leave as my understanding was that I was not on any order to stay. This was refused. I had about 7 nurses all standing around me and 2 security guards. The doctor wouldn’t tell me if there was a treatment order in effect. Was refused what I felt was my right to leave. 

I was then told I would be strapped to a bed and if I refused would be forced to. I begged them not to do this because of the PTSD and trauma from this historically. I believe it was not considered. Nurse came to me and waved a piece of paper at me and said they have it now, with what looked like a smile on their face.

I then complied and was strapped to the bed. I was injected with something in my leg. I still don’t know what it was. I was then taken to a ward where two nurses said if I had these 3 pills they would let me out the straps. I was crying because it was traumatising so I believe I had no choice. I then woke up and was taken to a room with 7 people, 4 of which I felt were throwing questions left right and centre. I then was able to leave. I was sedated for 2 days afterwards. I don’t even know what they gave me. 

It was one of the most traumatic experiences I have had in my life. The audience in ED, being injected without being told what it was. Given meds without being told what it was. 

I will never ever access health services again. I am so traumatised from that experience. I’m shaking as write this, I’ve been having nightmares and can’t sleep much when I do and can’t eat or talk to anyone. I will never trust anyone ever again if I need help. 

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Gayle Smith, Executive Director, Quality, Planning and Innovation, Eastern Health 3 years ago
Gayle Smith
Executive Director, Quality, Planning and Innovation,
Eastern Health
Submitted on 15/07/2021 at 1:55 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 1:56 PM

picture of Gayle Smith

Dear pluszx99,

Thank you for providing your feedback on Care Opinion and I am really sorry to hear about your experience in the Maroondah ED. This is not the sort of experience that we want patients to have. I am particularly concerned that this experience would cause you to not seek health services when you need them and we would like to work with you to help you get the support and services you need and to prevent experiences like this from happening again.

Can I please encourage you to make contact with us via the Eastern Health Centre for Patient Experience, so that we can connect you with a senior staff member from Mental Health. You make contact either by calling 1800-327-837 or by emailing If you choose to call, please be aware that it is possible that the Patient Relations Advisors may be on another call at the time you ring and if so, you will be invited to leave a message so they can return your call.

I hope we hear back from you pluszx99.

Gayle Smith

Acting Chief Execuitve

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