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"Fabulous care in ED"

About: Bunbury Hospital / Emergency Department

(as a service user),

I recently spent a day one weekend with my mother in law at the Bunbury ED. Thanks to the caring staff, especially Jackie, Val, Dr Daniel, Vanessa, Adam, Dr Calvin, for the care and compassion and humour they demonstrated.  

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Response from Rory Stemp, Principal Contract Manager (Clinical Contracts), WACHS - South West 3 years ago
Rory Stemp
Principal Contract Manager (Clinical Contracts),
WACHS - South West
Submitted on 16/07/2021 at 10:21 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 10:44 AM

picture of Rory Stemp

Dear Grateful daughter,

Staff in the Bunbury Hospital Emergency Department always aim to provide excellent care. I am very pleased that you are satisfied with the treatment your mother-in-law received and I will ensure that the staff you mentioned are made aware of your feedback. I hope that your mother in law remains well.

Kind regards

Rory Stemp

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