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"Brilliant care"

About: Fiona Stanley Hospital / Ear Nose & Throat

(as the patient),

In my opinion, our health system is highly complex and the demands placed on clinical staff to maintain NSQHS standards and proof of achieving the standards are, in my opinion, high.

My recent experience in Fiona Stanley hospital in 6A after a major operation was nothing short of Gold Standard. I am quite conversant with the 8 NSQHS standards and my recent stay of nearly two weeks could not find a fault. I felt the respect & dignity given to patients, the level of clear communication, the care with medication, ensuring falls could not occur etc were all of the highest standards, based on my experience. I also felt the catering, cleaning, ward clerical staff, nursing staff, doctors all worked together, communicated well and my stay in hospital was a delight. I have had two lengthy stays in other hospitals and frankly, my experience at Fiona Stanley was as good if not better.

Thank you to all staff for your hard work and dedication.

Where could it improve? The scheduling of surgery. Mine was deferred the night before admission, I returned to a regional town only to be rung and told I could have the op the next day. That meant turning around, same day, and driving back to Perth. It was good I got the operation done so quickly as it was urgent. But not good preparation, from a patient perspective, for an 8-hour operation. But I believe that is already under review. Let's hope it's fixed quickly.

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Response from Neil Doverty, Executive Director Fiona Stanley and Fremantle Hospitals Group, South Metropolitan Health Service 3 years ago
Neil Doverty
Executive Director Fiona Stanley and Fremantle Hospitals Group,
South Metropolitan Health Service
Submitted on 9/07/2021 at 2:58 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 3:29 PM

picture of Neil Doverty

Dear runningsz65,

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on your recent experience at Fiona Stanley Hospital. You sound like you have some interesting experience with the NSQHS standards, so to hear that you “could not find a fault” from the perspective of a patient is very reassuring.

I have passed on your glowing compliment to all staff on ward 6A as well as the catering, cleaning and clerical staff you refer to.

I do apologise for the rescheduling of your surgery at short notice. Unfortunately, emergencies do arise and at times we may need to alter theatre lists, but when possible we do try to keep changes to a minimum. It sounds like you were very accommodating and understanding, and for this I thank you.

I wish you all the best with your ongoing recovery and health.

Kind regards,

Neil Doverty

Group Executive Director

Fiona Stanley Fremantle Hospitals Group

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