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"Care assessment"

About: SMHS Rehabilitation In The Home (RITH)

(as a service user),

My partner had a care assessment having come out of hospital the day before that. They were managing ok and had got through the night and used the toilet without problems.

The physio came and put us both through a series of tests and checks to work out what we needed to do for my partner to be at home. The physio had my partner walking up and down the hall getting on and off the bed and on and off the toilet. The result was that my partner was so tired that when they used the loo, they were unable to stand back up again. Their knees gave out and we had to call the ambulance. My partner was unable to get back to their bed for some rest while a chair was kept right behind them so they couldn't fall. In the end they did go to hospital.

I feel my partner would still be with me now, at home, if a bit more care was taken and they weren't put through their paces. My partner has already spent weeks in different hospitals and transition centres. It all started with a fractured shoulder. The shoulder is a replacement and my partner is considered a senior.

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Response from Kate Gatti, Executive Director, Clinical Service Planning Population Health, South Metropolitan Health Service 3 years ago
Kate Gatti
Executive Director, Clinical Service Planning Population Health,
South Metropolitan Health Service
Submitted on 21/05/2021 at 10:48 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 10:49 AM

picture of Kate Gatti

Dear FullTimeCarer,

Thank you for sharing your concerns with our Rehabilitation in the Home (RITH) team in regards to your partner’s assessment by the physiotherapist. We have discussed the feedback you provided with our staff and we appreciate that every patient has different requirements and should be treated as such. The therapists who manage patients in the home follow an initial assessment that should be modified based on how the individual is presenting and the discharging team's instructions. On this occasion, it appears the assessment was too much for your partner and we are sorry we were unaware of this at the time of the assessment.

Staff will be reminded it is good practice to ensure the proposed assessment is discussed with the patient, the patient’s fatigue is monitored and any concerns they may have are acknowledged and considered in the plan of care. We are very sorry your experience was not ideal and your partner had to return to hospital. Thank you again for sharing your feedback and for allowing us to have this discussion within our teams to improve our service moving forward.

If you would like to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to contact our Patient and Family Liaison Team on 6152 4013 (business hours) or at any time via email on

Kind regards

Kate Gatti

Executive Director

Clinical Service Planning and Population Health

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