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"End of life care"

About: Bentley Hospital / Aged Care and Rehabilitation Ward 4 Royal Perth Hospital / Acute Assessment & Medical Ward 5B & Surgical Ward 5E

(as a relative),

My parent was admitted back into Bentley hospital for progressive rehab recently. The following day they were sent to Royal Perth Hospital AMU ward where they were found to have fluid build up around the heart and lungs with an infection.

My parent was seen by a respiratory Dr who was going to treat them but couldn’t do anything until the next day as my parent had been given blood thinner medication.

The next day the doctor came along and decided no treatment was going to be done for my parent as their condition wasn’t good. So I understand it was decided an antibiotic drip would be put in and if it fell out overnight, it wouldn’t be put back in.

It was a long weekend so couldn’t be transferred to palliative care. I believe the Dr proceeded to tell my elderly parent with depression and severe anxiety that they wouldn’t be treating them and they were going to die.

The following day, a relative turned up and found my parent, I believe, very distressed and trying to vomit in a bag and trying to move in their bed but had no strength. The room was absolutely freezing and my parent had a thin sheet and a thin hospital gown and unable to do anything for themselves, also, they were in a very distressed state. The relative was with a friend who is a nurse and they had to go ask for medication to help with nausea and then go back and ask for a Dr to come and sedate my parent.

I understand my relative's friend also had to help clean up another patient across from my parent as they were vomiting over themselves and I believe distressed too.

My parent died a few hours later. I didn’t make it in time to see them. I’m haunted by imagining how distressed my parent was and I believe they were just left there to I felt die like a dog. I find that this treatment of my parent was absolutely disgusting.

I had to spend 2 days on the phone with Bentley and Royal Perth Hospital trying to find where my parent's mobile phone and glasses were. My parent was sitting up eating their tea one night and was dead three days later. There’s so much more to this story, this was their 3rd admittance between Bentley and RPH and the neglect I feel they had was appalling.  

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Response from Lesley Bennett, Chief Executive, East Metropolitan Health Service 3 years ago
Lesley Bennett
Chief Executive,
East Metropolitan Health Service
Submitted on 19/03/2021 at 3:26 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 3:28 PM

picture of Lesley Bennett

Dear plutotm33,

I am deeply concerned to hear you about the care and treatment provided to your parent at Royal Perth Hospital. Please accept my sincere condolences on the loss of your parent.

I am saddened that you feel haunted by your experience, adding to this time of grief and loss. It appears that communication with you and your family was inadequate in reassuring you that your parent was receiving timely and appropriate care. As health providers, we know how important clear and respectful communication is and the added worry it causes if we do this poorly.

The image you convey of your parent being in a distressed state and cold is unacceptable. We acknowledge that, for many of our patients, staying in hospital is a stressful time and we should make all attempts to ensure the comfort of our patients is a priority. Extra blankets are available to patients onwards and I am sorry if this was not attended to. It is also most regrettable if timely medication and care were not provided at that time.

You advise of the difficulty you had in locating your parent’s belongings. There are processes in place to ensure all patient belongings are recorded for safekeeping. I am truly sorry if this did not occur and added to your distress.

I respect that you may wish to remain anonymous, however, you have raised serious concerns and I would like the opportunity to undertake a thorough review of the care provided to your parent. You are able, at any time, to contact the Consumer Engagement Unit on (08) 9224 1637, 8am to 4pm or email to initiate a review.

I acknowledge your strength in sharing your experience and sincerely wish you and your family peace at this sad time.

Kind Regards,

Dr Lesley Bennett

Executive Director

Royal Perth Bentley Group

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