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"The amazing staff at Albany Health Campus"

About: Albany Health Campus / Day Procedure Unit

(as a service user),

All the Staff I came in contact with were excellent, from the Reception, to the Volunteer guiding me to Admissions, to Admissions and all the Theatre Staff. They were professional (as expected), but also personable and helpful. In my opinion, it obviously wasn't just a job for them.

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Response from Trisha Power, MPS Operations Manager, Operations, WACHS Great Southern 3 years ago
Trisha Power
MPS Operations Manager, Operations,
WACHS Great Southern

Operations Manager

Submitted on 20/01/2021 at 11:45 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 11:57 AM

picture of Trisha Power

Dear Gunner,

Thank you for sharing your positive feedback about Albany Health Campus. It is wonderful for staff to receive good feedback and I will be sure to share your feedback with all involved. We are so fortunate at Albany Health Campus to have so many dedicated and diversely skilled volunteers supporting our staff, patients and visitors.

Kind regards

Trisha Power

Acting Operations Manager, Albany Health Campus

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