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"Rehab Day Program"

About: Lives Lived Well – Dubbo (Roadmaps)

(as a service user),

I have just celebrated 12 months drug free. Roadmaps has supported me all the way through encouragement skills development and by giving me hope when I have none.

I have great respect for them and for myself now. My life is back on track. It's been so hard but worth it.

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Response from Lives Lived Well 4 years ago
Submitted on 19/10/2020 at 9:28 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 9:49 AM

Dear echopg85,

Firstly, congratulations on achieving 12 months drug-free! What an incredible milestone for you - you should be so proud of yourself.

Thank you for taking the time to let us know how Roadmaps has helped you reach your goal. It is so encouraging that the program and staff were able to provide you with the skills you needed and provide essential support.

Keep up the good work and remember that support is a phone call away - Lives Lived Well: 1300 727 957

Kind regards,


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