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"Patient stay at Perth Children's Hospital"

About: Perth Children's Hospital / Emergency Department Perth Children's Hospital / Ward 2A - Medical

(as a service user),

My grandchild was admitted from Emergency to Ward 2A for investigations and monitoring. The staff throughout the 3-day stay were amazing. Very professional and caring.

The facilities available at this hospital were outstanding. Under the stressful circumstances of having a sick child, it was made tolerable and pleasant. Thank you so much.

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Response from Jackie Griffin, Child and Adolescent Health Service - WA 4 years ago
Jackie Griffin
Child and Adolescent Health Service - WA
Submitted on 27/08/2020 at 3:06 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 3:29 PM

Dear cared for,

Thank you for providing this feedback to Perth Children’s Hospital (PCH) Emergency Department and Ward 2A. It’s through feedback such as this that we can look at our service and seek out areas of improvement.

Your kind words of appreciation have been shared with the Emergency Department and Nursing Staff on Ward 2A and I am advised that everyone was very grateful to receive your positive feedback. Staff at PCH strive to provide the highest quality of health care for children and adolescents, and I was delighted to see this reflected in your experience.

Thank you once again for sharing your feedback, and please accept my best wishes for your grandchild in their recovery.

Kind Regards,

Jackie Griffin,

Clinical Nurse Manager Ward 2A

Perth Children's Hospital

Child and Adolescent Health Service

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