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"Bed availability"

About: Perth Children's Hospital / Eating Disorders Program - Clinic K

(as a parent/guardian),

My child was recently a patient in Perth Children's Hospital for their eating disorder and was put on the other wing of the ward that doesn’t specialise. I feel they got no support and struggled a lot.

I later asked the manager and they said they only have 8 beds for eating disorder patients. I find this outrageous because I feel it is a growing illness and I believe there are far more than 8 patient in the whole of WA requiring a medical admission. 

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Response from Rachel Newton, Acting Clinical Nurse Manager, Child and Adolescent Health Service - WA 4 years ago
Rachel Newton
Acting Clinical Nurse Manager,
Child and Adolescent Health Service - WA
Submitted on 10/07/2020 at 4:22 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 4:32 PM

Dear eaglewb86,

Thank you for feeding this back to Perth Children’s Hospital (PCH). We are very sorry to hear about your son/daughter’s recent experience on Ward 4A.

We take all feedback about our services very seriously and comments received enable us to review practice and strive to improve our care and services. I am sorry that you feel your child did not receive the appropriate support and therefore struggled during their recent admission.

Although we have a number of designated beds for eating disorders based on one wing of a ward, we do accommodate more than 8 patients when required.

All nursing staff on ward 4A have experience and skills in managing and caring for patients with eating disorders. The principles of care should be consistent, and it is disappointing you did not feel this was the case during your child’s admission.

We make all attempts to move a patient with a diagnosed eating disorder into the designated eating disorder wing as soon as is possible. Please be assured that this is a priority for us.

We continue to monitor our outcomes and gather information including bed requirements to assist us in guiding our care and service so we are able to provide the best possible care for our patients.


Rachel Newton

Clinical Nurse Manager, Ward 4A

Perth Children's Hospital | Child and Adolescent Health Service

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