My infant child was recently admitted to Fiona Stanley Hospital. We stayed two nights while they were being observed and tested for a variety of viruses including Covid-19. As a result, we had to stay in the room for the entire time as a precaution, and I believe all staff had to do PPE when entering the room until the results came through. When the patient is a baby they, of course, must have a parent or guardian with them at all times when possible. However, because my baby was the patient and not me, that meant they got meals when I didn't. This was an issue because I could not leave the room at all for the 2 nights we were there. I had my partner deliver food but this was not an easy solution, and I can only imagine how hard it would be for families with difficult work/family commitments and transportation issues. The nurses did bring me a sandwich or some crackers if I asked for them, however, in my opinion, I see this as a band-aid solution for a problem that is not going to go away.
I believe very young children and their parent/guardians are a package deal and should be treated as such, particularly when the parent is staying in the hospital with the child. Perhaps there could be a system where a parent can have a limited meal as well, coded into the system. Or, at the very least, if they could pay for the meal themselves or order a meal from the food court to be brought up to the room.
Otherwise, we were treated very well by all medical staff, and I applaud their professionalism and caring during this difficult time. In my opinion, having the meal situation sorted for parents/guardians who must stay in the room will make the experience must smoother, and less demanding on the staff's time.
See more responses from Neil Doverty
Update posted by lillypad (a parent/guardian) 4 years ago