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"Being acknowledged"

About: Albany Health Campus / Emergency Department

(as other),

It's not comforting to arrive in the Emergency Dept (ED) with Ambulance officers and no-one acknowledges your presence. We stood at ED recently for at least 20 minutes before anyone came and acknowledged our presence.

I understand that, at times, ED gets very busy but it doesn’t hurt for someone to come and say, we know you are here but things are busy at present and it should be around (whatever time estimate) before we can get to you.

It doesn’t matter whether I come in under my own steam or with ambulance officers. I need to know that someone knows I’m there.

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Response from Juan Clark, Operations Manager, Operations, Albany Health Campus, WACHS Great Southern 5 years ago
Juan Clark
Operations Manager, Operations,
Albany Health Campus, WACHS Great Southern
Submitted on 2/12/2019 at 1:26 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 1:33 PM

Dear runningsz65,

Thank you for sharing the story of your experience on Patient Opinion. I would wholeheartedly agree, that it's not comforting to arrive in the Emergency Department and have no-one acknowledge you. I am sorry that was your experience when first arriving at Albany Health Campus. Please be assured that this is not the kind of care and service our hospital strives for and we appreciate your feedback. Our Emergency Department have read and reflected on your story, which has offered us a good opportunity to evaluate where we can improve on our service and patient-centred care. Thank you again for taking the time and effort to share your experience with us.

If you would like to speak with me specifically about your experience, please don’t hesitate to call me. My number is 9892 2620.

Yours sincerely

Juan Clark

Operations Manager, Albany Health Campus

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