Back in 2016, we had our first baby who spent the first four weeks of their life in the Special Care Nursery at Ipswich Hospital. Our baby was premature born via emergency c-section and very low birth weight, but the care my baby received was impeccable.
This year, we were back again with the arrival of our second baby and again, our experience at Ipswich Hospital was nothing short of stellar. Our baby was an elective c-section at full term and spent a total of four nights in special care in their first two weeks. I was warmed that staff who had cared for our baby remembered us from 2016, and again, they delivered the same high quality of care for our newest baby.
The antenatal care leading up to our baby's birth was also excellent, with a high sensitivity to, and understanding of the concerns that I had following the complications with our first baby. I also had wonderful support with the Midwives in the Community Program after we came home from hospital.
Special thanks to Dr Gloria, who was involved in the antenatal care regime for our new baby, and Dr Kristian who conducted many of my antenatal appointments and performed my c-section (with good humour and warmth). Thank you also to Heather and the team in the Special Care Nursery, and to the nurses and midwives who cared for us in the maternity ward. We cannot express enough how grateful we are for the wonderful work you do.
"Second special bub care"
About: Ipswich Hospital / Ipswich Midwifery Group Practice Ipswich Hospital Ipswich Midwifery Group Practice Ipswich 4305 Ipswich Hospital / Maternity Ipswich Hospital Maternity Ipswich 4305
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