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"Non-hospital attendees parking at the hospital"

About: Bunbury Hospital

(as a carer),

When dropping my spouse at the hospital I was able to park for 5 minutes at the main entrance. This has always been easy, yet at times I have seen FIFO workers sitting waiting at the bus stop for SW Coachlines at 8:20am to take them to Perth. I have asked where did they find a park and they have pointed in different directions on Campus. I have also spoken with people/workers who park in the car park and get the red bus into town for the day.

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Response from Glen Matters, Operations Manager Bunbury Hospital, WACHS South West 5 years ago
Glen Matters
Operations Manager Bunbury Hospital,
WACHS South West
Submitted on 3/05/2019 at 10:45 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 11:07 AM

picture of Glen Matters

Dear indigoxg97,

Thank you for your feedback regarding parking at the South West Health Campus. There are around 550 marked parking spaces in front of the hospital entrances and we are striving to ensure that all vehicles belong to people on hospital business. Our Security team is making regular patrols to identify any vehicles where members of the public are parking and then leaving the Campus. I appreciate your information which is helping us to target our observations and inform these drivers how they are impacting people who visit the hospital.

In addition, future redevelopment plans at the hospital include construction works to increase the number of public car park spaces, and short-term options to increase the number of parking bays are underway. Thanks again for your feedback to help us improve the availability of car parking spaces.


Glen Matters

Operations Manager Bunbury Hospital

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