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"Mental Health Care"

About: Maroondah Hospital / Mental Health Adult Inpatient Units (IPU1 and IPU2) Maroondah Hospital / Mental Health Triage

(as the patient),

I was in PAPU (Psychiatric Assessment and Planning Unit) over a weekend and although it was nice and the staff were wonderful my mental health didn't improve at all. I got discharged on a Monday morning and even with their knowledge I was in a dark place. 

My case manager sent me back to emergency later that day.

I was eventually put into IPU (Inpatient Psychiatric Unit), but while some of the staff were great the leading psych/doc I saw I felt was horrible, telling me I need to just learn to deal with the suicidal thoughts and that she didn't understand why I was back in there. The nurse assigned to me at the time I felt also neglected my needs.

After seeing her, it made me feel more suicidal and left having a complete melt down, crying to go, so I could end my life. Even making an attempt in my room's bathroom, the nurse came in and told me to get off the floor in the rudest way possible. Still having a complete breakdown she left.

My roommate returned while I was still balling and was so concerned for me she grabbed one of the OTs (Occupational Therapists) to try help calm me down.

I'm bordering on needing an admission again, it's been a couple of months since I was there. But being someone with BPD (Bipolar Disorder), I believe I  will always be treated badly by hospital staff which makes reaching out for any help impossible.

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Response from David Plunkett, Chief Executive, Eastern Health 6 years ago
David Plunkett
Chief Executive,
Eastern Health
Submitted on 27/11/2018 at 10:32 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 10:33 AM

picture of David Plunkett

Dear piscesek93

Thank you so much for taking the time to share feedback regarding your experience on Patient Opinion. Please accept my apologies that your experience was not a positive one.

In order for us to review your experience properly, could I please ask if you could please contact the Eastern health Centre for Patient Experience either at or by calling 1800 EASTERN. I am conscious you mention you may need admission in the short term, so hope you do make contact soon.

Many thanks and kind regards


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