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"Royal Perth Hospital"

About: Royal Perth Hospital / Elective & Emergency Orthopaedic Surgery & Bone Tissue Bank

(as the patient),

When I attended the Royal Perth Hospital the doctor never even looked at my foot, told me to go ahead and walk on it. Now 2 weeks after I take the boot off I wake up barely able to walk and my foot hurts all the time! 

So in my opinion, the specialist isn't so special and don't get me going on the billing department that 8 weeks later still doesn't have their #$*&  together.

In summary $1500 in bills, nothing done, told nothing wrong, now can barely walk. In my view, thanks for nothing Royal Perth Hospital!!!

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Response from Lesley Bennett, Chief Executive, East Metropolitan Health Service 6 years ago
Lesley Bennett
Chief Executive,
East Metropolitan Health Service
Submitted on 24/10/2018 at 5:36 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 5:37 PM

picture of Lesley Bennett

Dear Sheebot66

Firstly, allow me to apologise for our failure to provide the level of service that we strive for. Without knowing more about the details of your injury, I am unable to comment on your treatment specifically, but of course would be happy to arrange to have this reviewed if you would like to provide your details to my office on 08 9224 2219.

I am however able to respond to your feedback about the delay with your invoice. Unfortunately at times we do have delays with invoices being issued. However, recognising this is a problem, we are putting in place a new process (starting early next year) that we are confident will reduce the time it takes to issue invoices to patients needing to make payments. Again, I apologise that we have failed to deliver the level of service we aim to and for your negative experience.

Yours sincerely

Dr Lesley Bennett

Acting Executive Director

Royal Perth Bentley Group

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