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About: Fiona Stanley Hospital

(as a relative),

My mother was not feeling well during radiation treatment and lost her steroids.   Her script was in Broome where she lives.   There were no doctors available in chemotherapy or radiology on a Saturday, so in desperation I went to 7C.   There was the nicest Pharmacist who could see I needed help and went out of his way to find a doctor who was also nice enough to take time in his busy schedule.   This act of kindness makes a big difference for country patients with limited support systems.   Thank you.

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Response from Janet Zagari, Executive Director Transformation, South Metropolitan Health Service, South Metropolitan Health Service 6 years ago
Janet Zagari
Executive Director Transformation, South Metropolitan Health Service,
South Metropolitan Health Service
Submitted on 20/06/2018 at 5:56 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 21/06/2018 at 8:50 AM

picture of Janet Zagari

Dear Happy Patient 2017

Thank you for your comments about your mother’s recent treatment at Fiona Stanley Hospital.

I was very pleased to hear that our staff went out of their way to help you and your mother in what must have been a stressful time for you. I understand that coming from the country brings additional complications that can make hospital stays more difficult.

I was delighted to be able to share your remarks with the team involved. Our staff go above and beyond on so many occasions without specific acknowledgement and it is a privilege to be able to pass on your thanks to the staff involved.

I hope that your mother is recovering well.

Best wishes

Many thanks

Janet Zagari

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