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"Pressure sores"

About: Bunbury Hospital

(as a friend),

I am posting this for a family friend. The friend who has a longstanding illness and mobile via wheelchair was admitted to hospital for a number of days. He is concerned as his pressure areas got worse while in hospital.  

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Response from Jan Cook, Operations Manager Coastal Hospital, WACHS South West 7 years ago
Jan Cook
Operations Manager Coastal Hospital,
WACHS South West
Submitted on 22/01/2018 at 4:55 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 4:57 PM

picture of Jan Cook

Dear Katqw32

Thank you for raising concern on behalf of your friend.

I am sorry to hear that your friend’s pressure areas deteriorated, whilst he has been a patient in Bunbury Hospital. This must be very worrying for him, and for you, as a friend.

I would like to invite your friend and you as his friend, if he so wishes, to meet with the Nurse Managers of the Wards concerned, to discuss the pressure care provided, and improvements that may be made, to ensure that we provide the best care to all patients.

It is important for us to ascertain if any treatment is required currently, given the deterioration.

Please call me on (08) 9722 1421 to arrange a suitable time.

Yours sincerely

Jan Cook

A/Operations Manager Bunbury Hospital

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