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"HammondCare extra help has made a big difference"

About: HammondCare At Home Western Sydney & Nepean

(as a staff member posting for a carer/relative),

After coming out of hospital my husband and myself have had HammondCare twice a week to shower and to vacuum and mop tiled floors. We have been very happy with the person attending to our care; he is good company for my husband and they have a good laugh and he goes about doing his work with no problems. The extra help has made a big difference for me as I can spend a little extra time with my husband as he has dementia and trusts this staff member.

We have been very happy with this staff member and hope to continue with his help. As I just mentioned with my husband having the Dementia it would not be beneficial for him to change as this would just cause confusion and getting upset when he has just got comfortable with this person.

Thank you and hope that this can continue after the six week period.

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Response from David Martin, HammondCare at Home 7 years ago
David Martin
HammondCare at Home
Submitted on 28/11/2017 at 5:48 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 5:51 PM

Thank you for your story and for taking the time to write to us with your positive feedback that speaks so highly of you and your husband’s experience of the care and service provided by the HammondCare At Home Western Sydney team.

HammondCare is passionate about providing quality care and service that improves quality of life. It is lovely to read of the difference that this extra help has had on your lives.

We recognise that consistency in staffing is the key to our quality care. We really work hard to send the same care workers to visit where possible and will communicate with you in a timely manner where there may be a change to the schedule due to things like annual leave or illness.

It is our privilege to partner with you in care and the team is always willing to talk through the various options available to you and your husband to continue this partnership with you.

Kind regards,

David Martin

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