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"My experience with a particular nurse."

About: Royal North Shore Hospital / Emergency Department

(as a parent/guardian),

I took my baby to emergency as she was having difficulty breathing. As soon as I got there I got a number and sat down. While I was waiting, my baby got worse and I was in such a panic, I ran up to the nurse and said, help me, help me, my baby's not breathing. He looked at me and said - take a seat ! I could not believe this! Everyone in the waiting room saw how bad this was. As soon as my turn came up the nurse, asked - what's wrong (even though the nurse witnessed what had happened). I "again" explained the situation to the nurse. They then said so what is your concern... ummm. I just told him my concern and the nurse also saw it for them-self. Is that for real? I could not believe this, honesty I was shaking I was so furious. I was almost about to faint because of this person. 

The nurse honestly hurt me more then anything in a time like that.

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