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"Eastern Health Lilydale"

About: Yarra Ranges Health

(as the patient),

Lucky enough to go to Eastern Health Lilydale for two procedures. The hospital is very calming and the staff are all very friendly and helpful and put my mind at ease. What started out as what could have been a very stressful time turned out not to be so bad after all thanks to the caring staff and quietness of the hospital. Thank you Eastern Health Lilydale

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Response from David Plunkett, Chief Executive, Eastern Health 7 years ago
David Plunkett
Chief Executive,
Eastern Health
Submitted on 9/11/2017 at 7:54 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 10/11/2017 at 10:13 AM

picture of David Plunkett

Dear Relieved patient

Thank you so very much for sharing your feedback on Patient Opinion. As you mention, needing to have a procedure (or two!) sure can be a really stressful time and I am so pleased the staff were able to make your experience a positive one.

The staff at Lilydale do a terrific job, display courtesy and kindness towards the patients and families in their care and it will give me great pleasure to share your comments with them.

I trust you are well on the way to recovery!

Kind regards


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