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"Very slow provision of custom made order."

About: Bentley Hospital / Older Adult & Falls & Memory Clinics & Day Therapy Unit

(as the patient),

I put in a request for a new custom made compression sleeve earlier this year through the Occupational Therapist at Bentley Hospital. It is now almost mid-November and I have not received it yet. I have inquired twice as to its whereabouts and have felt I've been fobbed off each time with the comment that there was a delay in ordering and I will be informed as soon as it is in.   I have since had my arm measured by a Lymphodoema Specialist and it has changed size, so when I get this sleeve it will not be the right size.   I believe I can order 3 of these sleeves in a year, but for this to be satisfactory I need to receive the sleeve within a month, not after 5 or more months. The sleeves only have a life of about 6 months, so my current one is now about 7 months old.

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Response from Lesley Bennett, Chief Executive, East Metropolitan Health Service 7 years ago
Lesley Bennett
Chief Executive,
East Metropolitan Health Service
Submitted on 23/11/2017 at 12:06 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 12:11 PM

picture of Lesley Bennett

Dear Fobbed Off,

Thank you for taking the time to contact us with regard to your custom made compression sleeve through the Occupational Therapy Department at the Bentley Health Service letting us know. I am very sorry that to hear of the delays you are experiencing.

The Head of Occupational Therapy has been asked to assist, and ensure you receive an appropriately fitting garment as rapidly as possible.

Can I ask you to contact Mrs Jenny Swan on 0404 894 202 and she will organise any re-measuring or ordering that’s required and will inspect your existing garment to make sure they are adequate for use.

Once again thank you for contacting me and should you have any further issues or concerns please contact me directly on 9224 3261.

Yours sincerely

Dr Lesley Bennett

Director Clinical Services

Royal Perth Bentley Group

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