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"Emergency Department experience."

About: Wonthaggi Hospital / Emergency Department

(as the patient),

Was very unwell one night and suffer from a chronic illness that leaves me mostly bedridden. It took all my energy to arrive at the emergency department in a wheelchair and once there I asked 2 nurses if I could lie down as I was so unwell. Both replied no that I should stay in my wheelchair. I even asked if I could lie on the floor as I was so unwell and  they weren't going to give me a stretcher. Again I was told to stay in my chair. I had to stay in it for three and a half hours while I waited for the doctor. I was completely distressed and in tears. No nurse came to offer assistance in that time and on a few occasions I almost gave up and came home, as I did not have the strength to sit up for that long. To make matters worse they put all other patients that had minor problems before me and they all walked out after seeing the doctor to go home. Whereas I had to be admitted into hospital for a week as I was so sick and should have been seen to as soon as I got there. Bass Coast Health has its priorities around the wrong way and I believe treated me in such an inhumane way that I am so afraid to go back there. I suffer from a chronic illness and severe asthma and it's such a shame that I feel I have to put my life at risk when I am unwell because I am so afraid and scared  to go back to the Emergency Department after the way I was treated  .    

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Response from Jan Child, CEO, Bass Coast Health 7 years ago
Jan Child
Bass Coast Health
Submitted on 23/10/2017 at 4:18 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 4:34 PM

picture of Jan Child

Hello - Thanks you so much for taking the time to post your feedback and I am so very sorry that you had this experience. It would help me enormously to talk to you, and get some more detail (including your name and when you presented) so that I can follow up with the staff on duty. Is it possible that you could ring me on my mobile (0472846355) or email me ( with your contact details so that we could chat? We are very keen to improve our services and having your feedback will be very important. I hope to chat to you soon.

Kind regards,

Jan Child

CEO, Bass Coast Health

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Update posted by Almost gave up (the patient)

Hi Jan,

Thank you very much for your response to my story. I just stated the facts of what happened to me and I hope that it doesn't happen to anyone else as I would hate anyone else to have to go through what I did on that night. I really hope that you can improve things from me letting you know what happened to me. I am not out to get anyone into trouble and am concerned that if I make personal contact with you that I will be seen as a trouble maker to staff involved if my name is mentioned . My experience has made me very afraid to go back to the Emergency Department if needed and I am so very glad that you read my posting so you are aware of what went on and how it made me feel. The good news is that it's been brought to your attention and I hope that you can improve on things.

Response from Jan Child, CEO, Bass Coast Health 7 years ago
Jan Child
Bass Coast Health
Submitted on 29/10/2017 at 7:24 AM
Published on Care Opinion on 30/10/2017 at 10:13 AM

picture of Jan Child

Hello again, As per my response to your other post, I have spoken to the Director of the Emergency Department and he and the Nurse Unit Manager will make sure your feedback is discussed with staff. I hope I can provide some reassurance that the issues raised will be addressed with staff and that you feel comfortable to use our service again in the future. I thank you once again for taking the time to feedback to us.

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