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"Great support from surgical reception staff member"

About: Box Hill Hospital

(as the patient),

I had my second operation at the Box Hill Hospital and I want to give special thanks to Liam in "Surgical Admissions" for remembering my name from when I had my first operation and explaining the process to me and my wife in terms we could understand. Especially being so anxious about having the second operation because we were not quite sure what the doctor told us, it was very reassuring to have this wonderful young man make me and my wife feel confident I would be looked after. We also had a good chat about Richmond winning the grand final! Thank you Liam

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Response from David Plunkett, Chief Executive, Eastern Health 7 years ago
David Plunkett
Chief Executive,
Eastern Health
Submitted on 23/10/2017 at 6:44 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 24/10/2017 at 9:17 AM

picture of David Plunkett

Dear Tiger fan

Thank you so much for taking the time to provide your feedback on Patient Opinion. It was terrific to read that the staff in Surgical Admissions, and particularly Liam made you feel at ease and supported you to realise a positive experience.

Whether you’ve had one or twenty one surgeries, each one is stressful and it’s terrific yours was so positive. It will give me great pleasure to provide your feedback to Liam and his manager to recognise not only your positive comments but clearly the effect Liam has had.

I trust you are recovering well after your procedure and you’re returning to the best of health. As a fellow Tigers fan - I too still celebrate the terrific win!!

Thanks again and kind regards


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