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"Minor procedure"

About: Kununoppin Health Service

(as the patient),

A suspicious spot on my arm was removed by the doctor at Kununnoppin Hospital. I was very happy with the care given by the doctor and Nurse Shannon, especially when I nearly fainted. Fortunately, the skin spot was not cancerous.

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Response from Sean Conlan, Regional Director, WA Country Health Service - Wheatbelt 7 years ago
Sean Conlan
Regional Director,
WA Country Health Service - Wheatbelt
Submitted on 19/10/2017 at 11:49 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 12:06 PM

Dear Healthy Beaconite,

Thank you very much for taking the time to contact us through Patient Opinion, to share your positive experience with the Kununoppin Health Service.

Our staff are committed to providing our communities with the highest quality of care.

I am pleased to hear that the skin spot was benign and I will pass your appreciation onto the Doctor, Nurse Shannon and the management of the Kununoppin Health Service with great pleasure.

Kind Regards

Sean Conlan

Regional Director - Wheatbelt

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