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"Doctor interaction"

About: Peel Health Campus

(as the patient),

Doctor told me what he thought was wrong with me, then proceeded to say all the tests that he wanted me to have and I started to inquire what the tests were for and what his reason for giving me these tests. He appeared to become very upset and at one stage I thought he not going to take on my case.

It made me feel that I shouldn't ask the questions. That I should just let him do what he liked without question.

I came away feeling confused and angry.

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Response from Margaret Sturdy, Director Medical Services, Peel Health Campus, Ramsay Healthcare 7 years ago
Margaret Sturdy
Director Medical Services, Peel Health Campus,
Ramsay Healthcare
Submitted on 14/11/2017 at 2:52 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 3:03 PM

picture of Margaret Sturdy

Dear My Rights,

First of all let me apologise for the delay in getting back to you on your story. It has only very recently been brought to my attention. I am sorry to hear about your experience at Peel Health Campus and that it left you feeling confused and angry. I would be very appreciative if you could give me a call so that we can discuss your story as I am concerned about your complaint and would like to be able to investigate so I can provide you some specific feedback.

If you are happy to do this I can be reached on (08) 95318580.

Kind regards

Margaret Sturdy

CEO Peel Health Campus

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