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"Broome Hospital"

About: Broome Health Campus / Emergency Department

(as the patient),

I had a wonderful experience during a brief stay at Broome Hospital Emergency Department. The staff were warm, professional and caring.

I know they deal with a lot of challenging patients and situations, so just wanted them to know their hard work and personal commitment is appreciated.

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Response from Maureen Crowther, Patient Opinion Cordinator, Nursing, WA Country Health Service 7 years ago
Maureen Crowther
Patient Opinion Cordinator, Nursing,
WA Country Health Service

Currently rolling out patient opinion across the Kimberley

Submitted on 24/08/2017 at 12:27 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 1:15 PM

picture of Maureen Crowther

Dear Wonderful experience

Thank you for sharing your recent experience and kind words on Patient Opinion. It is a privilege to be able to respond on behalf of the Broome Hospital emergency department team. I will ensure they receive your kind words and appreciation.

Our staff do an amazing job and sometimes under extreme circumstances. They constantly aim to provide, professional, compassionate and high quality care. It is rewarding to hear your kind feedback.

I hope you are now making a full recovery.

Kind regards

Maureen Crowther

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