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"Gasto Surgery"

About: Queensland Children's Hospital

(as a relative),

My grandchild is a toddler and was a premi baby. My grandchild's surgery was done in your hospital.

The surgery was done a few months ago and they said the milky belly plug would be put in 3 months. But that is not right, it's now been 4 1/2 months and the one in their tummy is falling apart.

Last night it fell apart and the milk saturated my grandchild's body on a very cold night.

Their mum went in to check my grandchild again and they were blue and limp, so she put my grandchild into a warm bath and put them in front of a heater.

When my grandchild came good she took them to the hospital. They said she did the right thing.

What a joke about a baby surgery. We live almost 300km away and don't get much help.

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