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"Impressed with professionalism and excellent care"

About: Upper Murray Health / Day Procedure Unit (DPU)

(as the patient),

I recently underwent a procedure at UMHCS Day Procedure Centre and was impressed with the professionalism and excellent clinical governance demonstrated by all involved on the day. I believe that UMHCS is setting a very high professional standard that one could hope Victoria and indeed Australian Health services can follow.

In particular, the post procedure follow up and communication by the nursing staff was exemplary. I was most impressed to receive a phone call on Saturday inquiring as to my comfort and well-being post procedure.

We are so lucky here in Corryong to have the health facilities made available to us and I believe we should never take these facilities for granted.

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Response from Maxine Brockfield, CEO, Upper Murray Health and Community Services 7 years ago
Maxine Brockfield
Upper Murray Health and Community Services
Submitted on 1/08/2017 at 3:14 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 3:32 PM

Dear Dash

Thank you for sharing your positive feedback of the professionalism and excellent clinical governance you observed on your recent visit to our Day Procedure Unit.

As an organisation we strive to maintain high standards and consumer satisfaction.

We have shared your positive feedback with all the staff involved.

Kind Regards,


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Response from Nicole Martin, Director of Community Services, Upper Murray Health and Community Services 7 years ago
Nicole Martin
Director of Community Services,
Upper Murray Health and Community Services
Submitted on 1/08/2017 at 4:55 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 2/08/2017 at 10:10 AM

Hi Dash,

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback to our agency following your DPU stay. As the Quality Safety Risk Manager at UMHCS. I am pleased that our ongoing quality checks and measures are continually changing and improving the way we do business to ensure all of our consumers have a wonderful experience such as yours. We can only do this when our community is willing to share their personal stories - good, bad or otherwise.


Nic Martin

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