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"Geraldton ED"

About: Geraldton Hospital / Emergency Department Silver Chain Primary Health Centre - Geraldton

(as the patient),

Last year I was admitted to GRH (Geraldton Regional Hospital) for 3 weeks and was fitted with a catheter because of bladder stones and a bladder infection. It was arranged with Silver Chain to have it changed in 6 weeks time. After that time the infection became bad enough that I required (numerous occasions) to attend ED as I was unable to attend Silver Chain for one reason or another. Waiting in the ED waiting room I am usually in immense pain either from bypassing (urine) or not being able to bypass at all which as a result ends in my urine going all over the floor with Patient Service Assistants having to mop the area or putting towels down on the floor. I do understand the triage scoring system and accept that my medical situation at the time may not be considered a priority or critical and that I may be assessed as a low priority resulting in a lengthy wait. However I would like to suggest that in my particular case the triage nurse (RN) is able to consider removing the water from the balloon and remove the catheter which will immediately relieve the pain and pressure. I do not expect to "jump the queue" and if I have to wait 4-5hrs to get a new catheter fitted I am more than happy. The times that I have presented to ED or been admitted to the general ward I have been treated very professionally and I am sometimes known on a first name basis by staff due to the amount of times I have visited GRH. In closing I would like to give my highest praise to the many staff that have assisted me in my care.

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Response from Michele Young, REOC Lead, Executive Services, WACHS-Midwest 7 years ago
Michele Young
REOC Lead, Executive Services,
Submitted on 13/06/2017 at 1:38 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 2:06 PM

picture of Michele Young

Dear Mixo,

Thank you for writing to us about your experience in our Emergency Department.

I am sorry to hear you have an ongoing problem requiring intervention and that you experienced significant discomfort using the waiting room in the Emergency Department.

Geraldton Hospital uses the Australian Triage Score system to prioritise patients based on how unwell they are, which includes the level of discomfort you are experiencing, and use the information to formulate action based on the assessment. As a result of demands for services sometimes patients do experience longer periods within the waiting room.

From what you say it sounds like you have presented to Geraldton Hospital a number of times and the staff were able to provide the required care in a professional manner.

Our staff strive to provide patient centred care and it is through feedback such as yours that reinforces what we are doing well. I will ensure the staff and departments who treated you receive your praise.

I am sorry that some of your interaction with our service has left you feeling disappointed, please be reassured that we take your feedback seriously.

Your story has been forwarded to the A/Operations Manager of Geraldton Hospital, Derek Fraser, and will be discussed to determine if there are any opportunities to improve patient amenity.

If you would like me to arrange a further follow-up and review of your experience, please feel free to email me at and I will be happy to do that.

I hope your recovery continues to go well and you are back to good health very soon.

Thank you for sharing your story on Patient Opinion.

Kind Regards,


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Update posted by Mixo (the patient)

Hi Michele,

I want to know what are my options when it comes to getting my catheter removed when I'm in pain and agony? From my experience removing a catheter is quite a simple procedure that can be performed by an RN. Other than sitting in a waiting room for long periods of time when this procedure can take approximately 15 minutes. When all that is required is to have a catheter removed to relieve pain and agony, after such time as this I don't mind waiting in ED waiting room for another catheter to be inserted. I do have the utmost respect for hospital staff and understand Australian Triage Score system, but feel in this case it can be handled better.

Response from Michele Young, REOC Lead, Executive Services, WACHS-Midwest 7 years ago
Michele Young
REOC Lead, Executive Services,
Submitted on 14/06/2017 at 6:45 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 15/06/2017 at 8:17 AM

picture of Michele Young

Hi Mixo. Thank you for getting back in touch with us.

Derek Fraser A/Operations Manager would really like the opportunity to discuss the concerns you have raised in more detail and explore options on how we may be able to assist. Derek can be contacted on 9956 2369 or

If that is not convenient please forward your details and we can contact you. Your call would be very welcome and can still be addressed anonymously if you wish.

Please be assured WA Country Health Service takes your feedback seriously and is committed to improving the experience of all health service users. Thank you again for taking the time to write and we look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards


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Response from Michele Young, REOC Lead, Executive Services, WACHS-Midwest 7 years ago
Michele Young
REOC Lead, Executive Services,
Submitted on 28/07/2017 at 2:01 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 2:04 PM

picture of Michele Young

Dear Mixo,

Thank you for making contact to further discuss the concerns you have raised. The information you provided will assist us in undertaking a review through the complaints management process. I understand you are working with a member of our team to assist in resolving your concerns.

Thanks again for taking the time to share your experience on Patient Opinion and your feedback will allow us the opportunity to see how we can do things better.

Kind regards


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