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"Turned away from local GP before closing time."

About: GPs in the O'Connor Electoral District

(as a parent/guardian),

The little Miss of the household was complaining of a itchy spotty rash on her face. I had checked online what time our regular Medical Centre was open to, and their website had detailed 8 p.m.

We arrived at 7 p.m only to be told by the receptionist the doctors were not taking any more patients. There was approximately 6 individuals in the waiting area. Now what really annoys me is on the web site it is not stated that patients will not be accepted after 7 p.m.

The receptionist had asked if it was an emergency - how silly. Obviously if it had been, I would not be there. They did however show me the suggestion box, even offered paper to write my complaint down on. It was a waste of time driving there. My complaint is why can there not be some info on the website stating no patients after 7 p.m?

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