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"Lack of services"

About: Esperance Health Campus

(as the patient),

I live in Esperance Western Australia. I have bad abdominal pain and saw my doctor yesterday. He recommended an ultrasound. I went straight to the hospital to book the appointment but could not get in for an ultrasound very soon. This is nearly 3 weeks I need to wait for an appointment.

I realise that they do not currently have someone who resides in Esperance to do this job and they have contracted this job to a fly in, fly out company, but something needs to be done.

Three weeks in pain. Having to take strong pain medication is a bit ridiculous. Something needs to be done and done quickly. Either they need to find someone permanently for the position or the fly in / fly out company needs to be organised to do more time here. There is no way this would happen in the city.

I had considered travelling to have scans done. The nearest towns would be Albany or Kalgoorlie which are about four and a half hours away but with my pain levels the way they are, I don't think I could handle the trip. So I sit at home in pain and will have to just wait for 3 weeks.

Most of the time Esperance Hospital does a great job. Please sort this problem soon as I am sure there are many others in the same boat as I am.

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Response from Geraldine Ennis, Regional Director, WACHS - Goldfields 8 years ago
We have made a change
Geraldine Ennis
Regional Director,
WACHS - Goldfields
Submitted on 20/02/2017 at 2:37 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 23/02/2017 at 4:01 PM

picture of Geraldine Ennis

Dear in pain

I am sorry to hear you are in pain and that you have had to wait for an appointment to investigate the cause. When an ultra sound is ordered by a General Practitioner, the urgency of the examination is documented on the referral. When a patient presents to the hospital to book in for an ultra sound the referral is checked for any urgency that is noted and urgent cases are seen as a priority. In your case your request did not indicate that your exam was urgent so I do apologise that you were made to wait for an appointment as staff were following the normal procedure of triage for appointments. If you feel your need for an appointment is urgent I advise you to return to your GP and discuss having your referral updated to indicate you require an urgent appointment.

Since your story was posted, Esperance Hospital has successfully recruited a permanent Ultrasonographer. This will improve wait times for ultrasounds and help to clear any current appointment waitlists.

Kind regards

Geraldine M Ennis PSM

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