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"Wonderful care when a visit to Esperance ER"

About: Esperance Health Campus / Emergency Department Fiona Stanley Hospital

(as the patient),

I fell and had a sore arm which I thought needed medical attention. I presented to ER and within minutes was seen by Triage nurse and Dr Toby who ordered x-rays which confirmed I had fractured my elbow. Toby organised everything with Fiona Stanley Hospital and within 24 hours I had had surgery (5 screws, 1 plate and wires all holding the shattered bones) and was on my way to recovery!

Thank you for the medical care that, in my opinion, was first class!

Thank you to my GP Wim for continuing my care, post discharge from Fiona Stanley Hospital!

Esperance has some very talented and caring Doctors- so happy!

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Response from Geraldine Ennis, Regional Director, WACHS - Goldfields 7 years ago
Geraldine Ennis
Regional Director,
WACHS - Goldfields
Submitted on 24/02/2017 at 11:54 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 4:11 PM

picture of Geraldine Ennis

Dear Funny bones,

Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us, we are very pleased that you were very satisfied with the treatment that you received from the GP and the staff at the Esperance Health Campus. We will pass your thanks onto the staff and we hope that you doing well and on your journey back to good health.

Kind regards

Geraldine M Ennis PSM

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