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"Need a better appointment booking system"

About: Princess Margaret Hospital for Children

(as a parent/guardian),

I go to ward 3b at Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH). For the last month all my appointments have been wrong, even a very specific appointment was not booked! It can't get any worse than now. First you take Carol, then you take Fluer. I have even heard doctors fighting!  Yes, thank you for treating my child, however some care and professionalism would be great as well!

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Response from Michelle Dillon, Executive Director Princess Margaret Hospital, Child and Adolescent Health Service - WA 8 years ago
Michelle Dillon
Executive Director Princess Margaret Hospital,
Child and Adolescent Health Service - WA
Submitted on 1/12/2016 at 2:13 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 2:16 PM

picture of Michelle Dillon

Dear better booking app

Thank you for taking the time to post about your experience on Patient Opinion. I acknowledge that having a sick child is an incredibly stressful time for a family, and I’m sorry that your experience with Ward 3B has only added to this stress.

The issues you have raised around incorrect appointment bookings and unprofessional staff conduct are very serious, and I would like these to be investigated further so we can be accountable and make improvements based on your feedback. However, in order to do this we will require further information, and as such I encourage you to contact my executive team directly, via or on 9340 8302. If you are in two minds about whether to do this, please be assured that all complaints are taken very seriously and dealt with confidentially.

If you would prefer not to escalate this issue with me directly, please know that in the future, should you find yourself in a situation that is unacceptable, you can report this to the PMH Child and Family Engagement Services on 9340 7198 or via email

Thanks for your concern about the individual staff members you mentioned. While we cannot comment on the circumstances of individual staff members, please be assured that an enormous amount of work has been done to ensure we have the optimum workforce for the new Perth Children’s Hospital.

The Chief Executive of the Child and Adolescent Health Service (which PMH is part of), Professor Frank Daly, has been made aware of your feedback, and asked me to convey his disappointment that you have had this negative experience at our hospital. Prof Daly and I are in agreement that the experience you have reported clearly does not meet the high standard PMH sets for itself. The hospital is embarking on a significant program to ensure optimum professionalism that supports patient safety and quality care.

Thank you again for posting your comments on Patient Opinion. I sincerely hope you will consider contacting me so this important matter can be investigated further. Please accept my good wishes for your child.

Kind regards,

Michelle Dillon

Executive Director

Princess Margaret Hospital for Children

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