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"Client attending counselling service at Drug Arm (Hillbank)."

About: Community And Family Support Service (CAFSS) - Drug ARM - Hillbank

(as a staff member posting for a patient/service user),

Client thanked his counsellors for providing parenting strategies to talk to his child positively. Client stated he found the technique of doing positive reinforcement with his child helpful. Client mentioned the treatment improved with the quality of his relationships.

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Response from Debby Kadarusman, Healthy Options Australia 8 years ago
Debby Kadarusman
Healthy Options Australia
Submitted on 28/11/2016 at 4:23 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 29/11/2016 at 11:12 AM

Dear Gertrude,

It's wonderful to hear that your counsellors have been able to be so educative and helpful towards improving your relationship with your child.

Thank you for the effort and commitment you have shown to your child - they are very lucky to have a parent who has so proactively sought help on how to be a positive support.

Kind regards,


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