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"Alcohol abuse"

About: Drug ARM Australasia - Warradale

(as the patient),

I was 13 when I first started drinking alcohol, I did it because I watched everyone else in my family drink every day after work and into the night. It moved onto drinking after school with my mates. From there it spiraled out of control. Drinking before, during and after school, I was 17. I was known as the go to guy to get alcohol, I liked the attention and thought that I had a huge group of friends, turns out I was being used and none of those people are known to me today. I have been in trouble with the law, stealing, abusive language towards people and the cops, not to mention my daily functioning. It affected my job prospects, no one wanted to employ a person defendant on alcohol. I'm 32, I have been seeing the counselling people at DRUG Arm for a while now and they have helped me turn my life around in conjunction with family support.

I have been abstinent for over 6 months now and feeling great. I am no longer on government financial support. I have a full time job where my employer is supportive of my treatment goals and DRUG Arm appointments. I am so grateful for the support networks around me and the positivity that they give towards me and my goals.

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Response from Richard Norman, Healthy Options Australia 8 years ago
Richard Norman
Healthy Options Australia
Submitted on 7/11/2016 at 12:48 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 1:18 PM

picture of Richard Norman

Hi Positive goals

I was so impressed with your story. It sounds like drinking had a real strong hold in your life and, for a long time too, which really negatively affected things like getting a job. I see too that you had some run ins with the law and not to mention, as you pointed out, your daily functioning. But wow!! what a turn around -- 6 months abstinent and feeling great AND full time employment - impressed! You seem to have a good insight into what you need to do as well, like getting lots of support. Good on you, you are doing so well and it's encouraging for me and I know other workers to hear your story. Thank you for taking the time to tell us. Congratulations Positive goals awesome. Keep up the good work.


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