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"Enriching experience at Drug Arm Warradale"

About: Community And Family Support Service (CAFSS) - Drug ARM - Warradale Healthy Options Australia

(as a volunteer/advocate),

Volunteering at Drug Arm, Warradale, has been an extremely enriching experience. Although it can be confronting meeting individuals that have come from diverse backgrounds, and haven't necessarily been dealt the best hand of cards, they are still people that you connect with and have many similarities to. This experience has made me more patient, more empathetic and more understanding of the human spirit. We all have our own struggles, but some people need more help that others. I would highly recommend joining this organisation. It will benefit you just as much as it will the person you are helping.

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Response from Richard Norman, Healthy Options Australia 8 years ago
Richard Norman
Healthy Options Australia
Submitted on 24/10/2016 at 5:44 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 25/10/2016 at 1:06 PM

picture of Richard Norman

Hi 'student'

You have identified a key aspect of volunteering at Drug Arm, and that is, the mutual learning that take place as you interact with others from differing backgrounds and life circumstances. As you share in someones journey as they seek to overcome dependency can be a rewarding experience. The challenge and courage it can take to effect and sustain a change of this nature impacts all those involved. Thanks for your work.

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