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"Respecting privacy and dignity."

About: Boort District Health

(as a relative),

After being admitted into acute care for 36 hours my father was transferred to Bendigo by Ambulance from Boort District Health (BDH). This happened during meal time in Loddon Place. As Dad was being wheeled out be Paramedics, my husband and I could hear 3 residents who sit adjacent to the fire doors say loudly - There goes another one? Who's going this time? Look it's (Dad's name)!

My husband and I were appalled and disgusted not only with the lack of privacy during such an even but also that my dad had now become the topic of public discussion over dinner without any regard to Dad. Privacy is the very thing many of our residents also rightfully deserve and demand for themselves but fail to give or allow others the same treatment.

The fire doors should be closed for privacy during such an event and at meal times on any day when the dining room is full and everyone and everything is open to scrutiny on both sides of these doors.

I have often heard the residents at this table during lunch time and afternoon tea when a much larger group of residents gather, repeat what they hear and see through the open doors into the nurses station and acute care about patients and staff. Speaking as if it's their right to know everything!

As an employee at BDH I see a great deal of time and effort put into the residents of Loddon Place as it should be. However, the care, respect and dignity of those in the acute care of BDH is largely forgotten in general and overshadowed by the often loud demands of the residents. Such demands leave staff in a difficult position who are trying to do their best for both.

I would like to point out that during my dad's stay he had excellent care from the nursing staff. Having experienced this situation first hand on a personal level there are very clear and obvious times when the fire doors need to be shut, both for the privacy of the acute and the privacy of all residents.

It's an easy option to bow to the voices of a few and forget those who do not have a voice or are too unwell to speak up. My criticism is not to individual staff but to the inconsistencies within the facility.

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Response from Boort District Health 8 years ago
Submitted on 19/10/2016 at 3:17 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 3:25 PM

Dear Privacy,

Thank you for your feedback. At Boort District Health (BDH) we pride ourselves on an open approach to feedback and do appreciate the time and effort you have taken in which to provide us your observations and comments. In drawing some succinct details from the feedback I will provide information in response to the following;

1. Concerns with doors between acute and the aged residential section and aged care residents respecting privacy.

Action arising

a. Discussionshave been held with the Nurse Unit Manager (NUM) about repositioning oftables. This to reduce observation and possible over hearing of matters not only to and from acute but also from the nurses desk.

b. At the next Residential family and friends meeting I will agenda discussionson respecting confidentiality and privacy.

c. NUM will follow up with Nursing and personal care staff to close doors between acute and residential aged care where privacy needs to be accounted for acute patients and families.

2. Differing treatment for acute and aged residential care patient/residents.


There is particular challenge in there being a relaxed home style approach required with residential aged care as distinct from the more clinical approach in acute. While as suggested the areas have clear demarcation and yes it is one facility and one community I wish to assure your comments are taken on board and will be discussed and where practicable measures will be taken account to ensure equality of care.

Please if you wish to discuss your matters further, I invite you to make an appointment to discuss such matters freely with me at a mutually convenient time.

Kind regards,

Vicki Poxon

Chief Executive Officer.

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