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"Inner South Community Health GP Service in South Melbourne"

About: GP Clinic - Southport

(as a staff member posting for a patient/service user),

Our patient is very happy that she has found an excellent bulk-billing GP close to home, however, she had an extended wait to see the Doctor which she was not so happy about. 

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Response from Inner South Community Health 8 years ago
We have made a change
Submitted on 17/10/2016 at 12:59 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 1:04 PM

Thank you for your feedback.

I’m sorry to hear about the delay your patient experienced when waiting for her appointment. Our GP's are particularly thorough, which has meant that we have not yet got the timing quite right - but are working to fix this.

We have increased our appointment times and this has reduced the waiting times.

I’d like to personally thank your patient and others, that have provided feedback to us about their experiences at our centre. We are grateful for the opportunity to improve our service. Don’t hesitate to provide more feedback about your next experience with Inner South Community Health.

Best regards,

Damian Ferrie


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