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"Volunteering at Drug Arm Fairfield"

About: Drug ARM Australasia - Fairfield

(as a volunteer/advocate),

I started a few weeks ago having completed the training but not quite knowing what to expect. Based on feedback from other volunteers as well as the team leader, I now understand what Carl Rogers person-centred counselling means in practice (acceptance, congruence, empathy, vocabulary, attention) and how to maintain this part of the Drug Arm culture. Each counselling session I see and hear what a difference showing unconditional regard makes to client's perceptions and beliefs.

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Response from Richard Norman, Healthy Options Australia 8 years ago
Richard Norman
Healthy Options Australia
Submitted on 25/08/2016 at 12:02 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 12:03 PM

picture of Richard Norman

Hi Volunteer2015

Thanks you for your feedback about your experience as a volunteer. It's great to hear how your skills and understanding are developing, particularly with regard to working with people who have substance use orders. Unconditional positive regard is such a vital part of interacting with the people we work with, and it is encouraging to see that you recognise the importance of this aspect how it can make such a positive impact. Keep up the good work!

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