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"Oncology Rehab Program is invaluable."

About: Eastern Health Wantirna Health

(as the patient),

I have been attending the Eastern Health Oncology Rehab program for the past 6 weeks and have found it to be invaluable. The staff I saw are nothing short of fantastic, caring and understanding. The physical program has been of great benefit. I can see the improvements in my strength and stamina every week. The educational discussions have been informative and it's great to share it with others who know what going through cancer is all about. I think EVERY cancer patient should do this.

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Response from David Plunkett, Chief Executive, Eastern Health 8 years ago
David Plunkett
Chief Executive,
Eastern Health
Submitted on 17/08/2016 at 6:16 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 18/08/2016 at 12:13 PM

picture of David Plunkett

Dear Goodbye Cancer

I appreciate you taking the time to provide your feedback on Patient Opinion. Through feedback such as yours, our terrific staff realize the impact they have on patient experience.

I am so pleased you gained such wonderful benefits from the program and trust through this information in the sessions you are able to maximize your health and wellbeing. We have received many commendations regarding this program and it has in fact been well recognized outside of Eastern Health as well!

It will give me great pleasure to provide your feedback to the oncology rehabilitation program staff and their manager.

Thanks again Goodbye Cancer

Kind regards


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